音乐哲学 (The Philosophy of Music)
A Word From the Compiler
1. 音乐的作用
1. The Role of Music
2. 以色列人经验中诗歌的有效运用
2. The Effective Use Of Music In Israel‘s Experience
3. 理想的品质
3. Desirable Qualities
4. 不理想的品质
4. Undesirable Qualities
5. 宗教音乐成了撒但的陷阱
5. Religious Music Made Satan‘s Snare
6. 世俗音乐的诱惑
6. The Lure of Worldly Music
7. 世俗的音乐
7. Secular Music
8 音乐表演者
8. The Musical Performers
9. 给一位敏感的诗班指挥的证言
9. Testimony to a Sensitive Choir Director