小册子合集 (Pamphlets)
第001册 一个呼吁
PH001 - An Appeal
第002册 对区会职员的呼吁和建议
PH002 - Appeal and Suggestions to Conference Officers
第004册 对布道区的呼吁
PH004 - An Appeal for Missions
第005册 呼吁自养的工人进入未开发..
PH005 - An Appeal for Self-supporting Laborers to Enter Unworked Fields
第007册 关于国内布道工作对我们教..
PH007 - An Appeal to Our Churches in Behalf of Home Missionary Work
第008册 关于我们在斯堪的纳维亚工..
PH008 - An Appeal in Behalf of Our Work in Scandinavia
第009册 关于建立我们新医学院的呼..
PH009 - An Appeal in Behalf of Our New Medical College
第010册 对传道士和教会职员的呼吁
PH010 - An Appeal to Ministers and Church Officers
第011册 对巴特尔克里克教会的呼吁
PH011 - Appeal to the Battle Creek Church
第012册 呼吁安息日复临信徒履行对..
PH012 - An Appeal to Seventh-day Adventists to Fulfil Their Duty to the South
第013册 对青年人的呼吁
PH013 - Appeal to the Young
第014册 呼吁团结
PH014 - Appeals for Unity
第015册 奥尔德里奇弟兄
PH015 - Brother Aldrich
第016册 致J.N.安德鲁斯弟兄和..
PH016 - To Brother J. N. Andrews And Sister H. N. Smith
第019册 呼吁到主收割的园地里服务
PH019 - A Call to Service in the Masters Harvest Field
第020册 对守望者的呼召
PH020 - A Call to the Watchmen
第022册 服装思考精选
PH022 - Choice Thoughts on Dress
第026册 你吃肉吗?
PH026 - Do You Eat Flesh?
第028册 丹尼尔斯长老和弗雷斯诺教..
PH028 - Elder Daniels and the Fresno Church
第029册 圣工的扩展
PH029 - The Enlargement of Our Work
第030册 揭露狂热和罪恶
PH030 - An Exposure of Fanaticism and Wickedness
第031册 有关肉食的未发表证言文摘
PH031 - Extracts from Unpublished Testimonies in Regard to Flesh Foods
第036册 青年指导原则
PH036 - Guiding Principles for the Young
第037册 希尔克莱斯特学校农场
PH037 - Hillcrest School Farm
第038册 重要的证言
PH038 - Important Testimony
第039册 致纽约弟兄姐妹的重要证言
PH039 - An Important Testimony to our Brethren and Sisters in New York
第040册 关于教育的指示
PH040 - Instruction Concerning Education
第043册 论审判
PH043 - The Judgment
第045册 认识和顺从主
PH045 - Knowing and Obeying the Lord
第048册 遵照原则生活
PH048 - Living by Principle
第049册 洛马林达的工作
PH049 - Loma Linda’s Work
第050册 给青年人的信息
PH050 - Messages to Young People
第054册 “我会引导你”
PH054 - I Will Guide Thee
第055册 我们在华盛顿的工作
PH055 - Our Work in Washington D. C.
第058册 危险增加直到主来
PH058 - Perils Increase Till Jesus Comes
第061册 洛马林达工作的进展
PH061 - Progress of Work at Loma Linda
第066册 健康、慈善和医疗布道工作
PH066 - Health, Philanthropic, and Medical Missionary Work
第067册 迁往华盛顿
PH067 - The Removal to Washington
第068册 对指责的驳斥
PH068 - Rolling Back the Reproach
第069册 柯纳克湖疗养院的病人
PH069 - The Sanitarium Patients at Goguac Lake
第070册 我们书刊文章的选择
PH070 - The Selection of Articles for our Papers
第078册 在各水边播种
PH078 - Sowing Beside All Waters
第079册 关于版税的特别指示
PH079 - Special Instruction Regarding Royalties
第080册 关于《评论与通讯》出版社..
PH080 - Special Instruction Relating to The Review and Herald Office, and The Work in Battle Creek
第081册 关于教会学校的特别证言
PH081 - Special Testimonies on Church Schools
第082册 关于医疗布道工作的特别证..
PH082 - Special Testimonies Relating to Medical Missionary Work
第083册 关于文字布道会和我们传道..
PH083 - Special Testimony Relative to Tract and Missionary Societies and Our Preachers
第084册 关于巴特尔克里克各种事务..
PH084 - Special Testimonies - Relating to Various Matters in Battle Creek
第085册 关于巴特尔克里克教会的特..
PH085 - Special Testimony for the Battle Creek Church
第086册 给巴特尔克里克教会的特别..
PH086 - Special Testimony to Battle Creek Church
第087册 关于巴特尔克里克教会的特..
PH087 - Special Testimony to Battle Creek Church
第088册 给我们机构经理和工人的特..
PH088 - Special Testimony to the Managers and Workers in our Institutions
第089册 属灵进步是我们帐棚大会的..
PH089 - Spiritual Advancement the Object of Camp-Meetings
第090册 声明和呼吁
PH090 - Statement and Appeal
第092册 给举办布道会议之人的建议
PH092 - Suggestions to Those Holding Missionary Conventions
第093册 节制的工作
PH093 - The Temperance Work
第094册 关于洛马林达疗养院和医疗..
PH094 - Testimonies and Experiences Connected with the Loma Linda Sanitarium and College of Medical Evangelists “The God of heaven has been dishonored. You have found a place to invest means in various enterprises as though it were a virtue to leave my wo
第095册 关于洛马林达疗养院和医疗..
PH095 - Testimonies and Experiences Connected With The Loma Linda Sanitarium and College of Medical Evangelists
第096册 关于E.P.丹尼尔斯长老..
PH096 - Testimonies on the Case of Elder E. P. Daniels
第097册 给巴特尔克里克教会的证言
PH097 - Testimony for the Church at Battle Creek
第098册 给纽约州奥尔科特教会的证..
PH098 - Testimony for the Church at Olcott, N. Y.
第099册 给阿勒根和蒙特利教会的证..
PH099 - Testimony for the Churches at Allegan
第100册 给疗养院医生和工作人员的..
PH100 - Testimony for the Physicians and Helpers of the Sanitarium
第101册 有关婚姻责任和健康改良极..
PH101 - Testimony Relative to Marriage Duties, and Extremes in The Health Reform
第102册 关于公平交易和著作版税的..
PH102 - Testimonies on Fair Dealing and Book Royalties
第104册 给纽约州西部弟兄们的证言
PH104 - Testimony To the Brethren in Western New York
第105册 帮助在上帝里
PH105 - There Is Help in God
第107册 致相关人员
PH107 - To Whom it May Concern
第109册 大斗争异象
PH109 - A View of the Conflict
第113册 给自养工人鼓励的话
PH113 - Words of Encouragement to Self-supporting Workers
第114册 在犹太人中间作工
PH114 - The Work Among the Jews
第116册 教会证言的撰写和发布
PH116 - The Writing and Sending Out of the Testimonies to the Church
第117册 给巴特尔克里克教会的证言
PH117 - Testimony for the Battle Creek Church
第118册 致传道人
PH118 - Address To Ministers
第119册 关于麦迪逊学校的呼吁
PH119 - An Appeal for the Madison School
第120册 时间和工作
PH120 - The Time and The Work
第122册 致我们的文字布道士
PH122 - To Our Bookmen
第123册 给巴特尔克里克教会的证言
PH123 - Testimony to the Church at Battle Creek
第124册 我们要教什么?
PH124 - What Shall We Teach?
第126册 他们的呼声达于上帝
PH126 - And Their Cry Came Up Unto God
第127册 关于纳什维尔出版社对我们..
PH127 - Appeal To Our People in America in Behalf of the Nashville Publishing House
第128册 健康改良的退步
PH128 - Backsliding in Health Reform
第129册 一次大惊喜聚会
PH129 - A Big Surprise Party
第130册 帐篷大会的目的及其举办方..
PH130 - Camp-Meetings Their Object, and How to Conduct Them
第131册 教会学校
PH131 - Church Schools
第132册 酒类交易的祸害
PH132 - The Curse of the Liquor Traffic
第133册 上帝的圣工采用世俗策略的..
PH133 - Danger in Adopting Worldly Policy in the Work of God
第134册 服装改良
PH134 - The Dress Reform
第135册 上帝减轻埃文代尔学校负担..
PH135 - God’s Plan for the Relief of Avondale School
第136册 福音节制工作
PH136 - Gospel Temperance Work
第137册 健康和治疗
PH137 - Health and Healing
第138册 健康改良和保健院
PH138 - The Health Reform and the Health Institute
第139册 给学校减轻负担
PH139 - The Relief of the Schools
第140册 家庭和教会学校手册
PH140 - Home and Church School Manual
第141册 酒类交易与基督为敌
PH141 - The Liquor Traffic Working Counter to Christ
第142册 健康与节制笔记
PH142 - Notes on Health and Temperance Topics
第143册 十五万元基金
PH143 - The $1500,000 Fund
第144册 草药在合理治疗中的地位
PH144 - The Place of Herbs in Rational Therapy
第145册 休闲
PH145 - Recreation
第146册 特别会议报导
PH146 - Report of Special Meeting
第147册 疗养院不可压缩
PH147 - The Sanitarium Must Not be Cramped
第148册 第二个十分之一
PH148 - The Second Tithe
第149册 致我们机构经理和工人的证..
PH149 - Selections from Testimonies to the Managers and Workers in our Institutions
第150册 关于一般工作,特别是出版..
PH150 - Selections from the Testimonies Setting forth Important Principles Relating to Our Work in General, the Publishing Work in Particular, and the Relatio
第151册 1903年3月27日奥克..
PH151 - Selections from the Testimonies for the Church For the Study of Those Attending the General Conference in Oakland, Ca., March 27, 1903
第152册 关于太平洋出版社的工作和..
PH152 - Special Testimonies Concerning the Work and Workers in the Pacific Press
第153册 关于销售《基督比喻实训》..
PH153 - Special Testimony on Canvassing for Christ’s Object Lessons
第154册 给巴特尔克里克教会的特别..
PH154 - Special Testimony to Battle Creek Church
第155册 给巴特尔克里克教会的特别..
PH155 - Special Testimony to the Battle Creek Church
第156册 给巴特尔克里克弟兄们的特..
PH156 - Special Testimony to the Brethren in Battle Creek
第157册 给奥克伍德和巴特尔克里克..
PH157 - Special Testimony to the Oakland and Battle Creek Churches
第158册 关于以马内利布道学院及其..
PH158 - Testimonies Relating to Emmanuel Missionary College and Its Work
第159册 给教会的证言
PH159 - Testimony to the Church
第160册 致区会职员
PH160 - To Conference Officers
第161册 致区会职员和学校负责人
PH161 - To Conference Officers and Managers of Our Schools
第162册 致我们教会的领导人
PH162 - To the Leading Men of Our Churches
第163册 致黑人孤儿院负责人
PH163 - To Those in Charge of the Colored Orphanage Enterprise
第164册 给国内园地工人鼓励的话
PH164 - Words of Encouragement to Workers in the Home Missionary Field
第165册 医疗布道信摘
PH165 - Extracts from Recent Letters from Sister White Relative to Medical Missionary Work
第166册 关于什一的特别指示
PH166 - Special on Tithing
第167册 对医生和医科学生的勉言
PH167 - Counsels to Physicians and Medical Students
第168册 追忆:怀雅各长老最后一次..
PH168 - In Memoriam: A Sketch of the Last Sickness and Death of Elder James White
第169册 基督的受苦
PH169 - The Sufferings of Christ