上帝的儿女 SD (Sons and Daughters of God)
Foreword and contents
1月 身为上帝的儿女
January—We Are Sons and Daughters of God
2月 顺从爱的律法
February—We Obey the Father’s Law of Love
3月 进入基督学校
March—We Enroll in the School of Christ
4月 因神恩而改变
April—We Are Transformed by God’s Grace
5月 效法完美榜样
May—We Follow the Perfect Pattern
6月 我们最佳选择
June—We Choose the Best
7月 勇敢面对未来
July—We Face the Future With Courage
8月 夸耀基督十架
August—We Glory in the Cross of Christ
9月 得与上帝同工
September—We Are Laborers Together With God
10月 住在基督里面
October—We Abide in Christ
11月 不断向前迈进
November—We Make Constant Advancement
12月 我们承受产业
December—We Receive Our Inheritance